Troy Howard Middle School

173 Lincolnville Ave., Belfast, ME 04915  |  P: (207) 338-3320  |  F: (207) 338-5588

September 6, 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Week one is over and it’s been a good one. Students and staff have been busy in a variety of activities getting to know each other and building relationships. The feedback from students and staff has been that they’ve liked the slower start to the school year. Our school focus this year is all about relationships and community and starting our year out with a day of advisory activities was a great start for that work. 

We are still working some scheduling kinks out for some of our students. These should all be ironed out in the next week. It does take time and due to the four day week and two days of advisory activities students have not been to all of their classes yet. 

There were a lot of changes coming back to school this year, changes in the way the building looks, scheduling changes and changes in expectations (the big one being cell phones). I want to take this opportunity to say our students have done a great job navigating all of these. It is so wonderful to see their smiling faces and hearing their voices as they travel the halls, even though I also have to remind them to slow down. 

As you know our athletics are being managed by Susan Robbins, the athletic director. A good place to find game schedules is found on the THMS web page under athletics. You can search for just middle school teams on the bar to the right of the calendar. 

We are off to a great start this school year. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Best regards,

Alta K. Seekins, Principal

Upcoming Events:

Common Ground Fair Trip for 7th grade: September 20th

Early Release: September 25th (students dismissed at 1:30)

Picture Day: October 2nd

Open House: October 3rd

Indigenous People’s Day: October 14th NO SCHOOL

Book Fair: October 21st to the 25th

Troy A Howard Middle School parents make sure your annual student update is done. Login to the portal (green section above), left hand side, MORE then scroll down. If doing on a phone turn it landscape. If you need a device to process it on please come in to the office.  Student permissions for their computers, field trips and information about them is required each year.

REMINDER: Pets are not allowed on school property unless they are a CERTIFIED & TRAINED Service Animal, this includes during sporting events or other after school activities.

Who Was Troy Howard?

When a new middle school was being built in Belfast and was in need of a name, there were many appropriate suggestions. All who had an opinion had a reason for supporting their choice. The fact that the building came to bear the name Troy A. Howard was not because of the tragedy of a young man's death, nor was it due to a lack of respect for, or deserving of, any of the other nominees. I believe this building received its name because the name and the institution were a perfect fit.    Read more....

Getting Here

We are located at 173 Lincolnville Avenue in Belfast, Maine

Athletics &
Student Activities